Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Prayer for my Macy on Birthday #11!

Father, thank you so very much for letting me be Macy's Mom. She is such an enormous joy in my life, and I'm eternally grateful that you've chosen to share her with me. 

She is entering a phase of life that brings challenges I recall all too well, so Lord, I pray that you will draw her closer and closer to you every single day of her life. Give her the confidence that comes straight from you to stand strong in her convictions and to believe in herself because of WHOSE she is, not who she is. Surround her with those who will point her to you and walk with her in faith, but help her also to love wholeheartedly those who do not share her faith, understanding that she should not imitate their behavior, nor look down on them or pity them, but that she should love them as Christ does. Give her compassion for those who are hurting and therefore hurt others. Give her patience with those who haven't had the same benefits and experiences that she has been blessed to know. Give her generosity not only with material possessions but with her time and service. Give her kindness and gentleness. Grow and strengthen each of the fruits of the spirit in her so that they can't remain contained within her heart. Father, make them overflow from her daily.

Lord, I thank you with all of my heart that she still (for now) seems to like her Dad and me. I don't know if that will always be the case, but I'm so grateful for the close relationship we have at this point. Father, please give Jared and me wisdom to know how to navigate the coming years with open and honest communication that is filled with grace AND truth. Always both, Lord, so that we might guide and direct her in such a way that honors you and teaches her to fight against her sin, but that we might do so in such a way that helps her understand that all of those sins are ALREADY forgiven because of the cross. Lord, may we never be instrumental in EITHER enabling her sin OR crushing her spirit. Only by your grace can we come anywhere close to being successful in this endeavor, so Lord, prepare us daily for this work.

Father, thank you for the gifts and talents that you have bestowed upon her. She's a smart little girl who is wonderfully creative and brilliantly musical. These are gifts from you that she nor I or her Dad did anything to deserve or earn. May we see them as such and be proud of them for the sake of bringing glory to you, but never prideful for our own sake. Give us right perspective, and help Macy to pursue her gifts and talents in such a way that honors you. She LOVES music, and she continues to progress beautifully in piano and ukulele while her voice gets stronger and sweeter every day. Lord, may she never tire of playing and singing to you in worship and may she understand better each time she does so the truth of what she sings and plays. She loves learning as well, particularly it seems about health and medicine. Two of her biggest heroes continue to be Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female doctor and my sister Vickie, who is a nurse. She loves the idea of becoming a doctor or nurse herself so that she can "take care of people." Lord, grow that desire in her whether or not it leads to a career in medicine, and teach me how to encourage her toward a life that honors you with the gifts and talents you've given her.

I can't begin to imagine the difficult situations she will find herself in over the next several years. Oh, JESUS, please ready our hearts for the things this world throws at pre-teens and teens these days. I know how "bad" it was for me 20+ years ago, and I'm certain temptations and peer pressure are worse today. But YOU are the same yesterday, today and forever, and nothing that Macy faces (or that we face as we parent her) will shock or surprise you in any way. You are ready for all of it and better than that, you are IN CONTROL of all of it. Lord, may we rest so comfortably in that truth.

Teach Macy to hold everything of this world loosely with an open hand, never fretting the loss of material things, but Lord, make her stubborn in her desire to cling to you with every bit of strength that she has. Hold her tight, Father. Be so near to her, Lord, so that she might feel your joy and pleasure in the good times and your comfort and peace in the hard times. Teach her to chase after you with her WHOLE heart.

Jesus, you are EVERYTHING that she needs. May she understand that as fully as humanly possible at an early age and view all of the rest of life in the light of that truth. Thank you, Lord, for loving her even more than I do. Teach me how to be a better Mom to her each day, but thank you so much that your love and grace are enough for both of us even when I fail.

Grateful for your work of sanctification in both of us. Please make both of us more like you each day.

Praying with full confidence in the POWER of the Gospel,


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