Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Good List 10-16-13

10. Macy and Grace have developed a new language in which they use little more than Brian Regan quips, quotes from Sam and Cat, and things Jared and I have said that they find funny (usually in a completely different context than what we intended.) They can carry on entire conversations this way. Not gonna lie. It's pretty impressive.
9. The very "Thanksgivingish" turkey dinner I made last night, which reminded me to be thankful on a day that I was really having to work at it. 
8. Pretty amazing sunrise this morning. New mercies.

7. Watching people create art in pretty much any form. Painting, sculpting, composing, whatever. I can't even describe what it does to my heart. If I were a therapist, I would assign this activity to all of my patients. So healing and calming and inspiring.
6. When Jared makes me dinner. I love to cook and never mind doing so, but there's something sweet and special about a meal prepared by my man.
5. My Gospel Transformation Bible. Genuine leather, no less! (Jared got 2 comp copies for his contribution, one hard copy, one leather. He gave me the leather one! Feeling spoiled. ;-)

4. Gracie has her first flute lesson today. She's SO excited!
3. Sadly, Jared has officiated enough funerals since we moved to Vermont that I stopped counting. BUT this weekend, he will officiate his first wedding here in Vermont, and INDEED, this is worthy of celebration! So grateful for Chris and Rachel and the gift they are to our family, our church, and our community!
2. What is the female equivalent to the Paul/Timothy relationship? Whatever it is, I'm grateful for so many of them in my life. Sometimes I get to be Paul, but most of the time, I'm still Timothy, and the Pauls in my life are some of the most caring, wise, gracious, lovely women I've ever met. Precious to me. So grateful.
1. The resounding, lavish, gleaming kindness of God in the midst of difficulty. Over and over again these last few months, waves of grace and mercy crash into me and press me to my Rock. (I LOVE that word picture from my friend Lore!) He is everything.


Beth H said...

Love your lists, Becky! Needed a good list today. But number 7 - I read "composting" instead of "composing" and thought, really? I guess someone could consider that art. : )

Becky said...

Hahaha. Hey, in Vermont, I bet there are plenty who consider composting a form of art. ;-)