Monday, June 3, 2013

Good Ol' Nat. . . Even Better Jared

Several years ago when I was in the midst of a particularly difficult situation at my job, Jared was feeling helpless to "rescue" me, so instead he worked really hard to love me well even in the middle of the struggle.

One morning as I opened the door to get into my car and reluctantly drive away from my family yet again, I found a CD on my seat with the words "Play Me" printed in Jared's handwriting. When I slid it into the CD player, this melody flowed through and filled my car so magically and luxuriously, I couldn't begin to describe it. 

I felt like a princess in a fairy tale. I played the song over and over and over again during my 30ish minute commute. And I smiled and grinned and maybe even giggled a little as I realized that no matter what happened during that day, eventually I would get to leave my office and go home to the man who loved me enough to come up with such a creative way to make me smile.

I don't remember all that happened that day at work. I'm sure it was stressful and discouraging like most days at the office were during that season of my life. But I distinctly remember feeling so much lighter throughout that day, twirling around in my mind to the music that lilted through my thoughts all day long. It was a good day.

Missing my man today. So grateful he's on his way home to me tonight.

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