Monday, September 26, 2011

For my Kids. . .

. . . I pray huge prayers of thanks to God for sharing them with me.
. . . I pray that they will never grow tired of hugging me or holding my hand.
. . . I pray for wisdom and patience and unconditional love as I seek to raise them in a way that honors Christ.
. . . I pray that God will draw them closer to Him every single day of their lives.
. . . I pray that they will learn to chase after Jesus with all of their hearts.
. . . I pray for protection over their bodies.
. . . I pray for protection over their minds.
. . . I pray for protection over their hearts.
. . . I pray that they will learn at an early age to pursue holiness with much more focus than they pursue "success."
. . . I pray for a growing love and respect toward each other.
. . . I pray for the ability to love the "least of these."
. . . I pray boldly against materialism and self-absorption.
. . . I pray for teachable spirits and tender hearts.
. . . I pray for the ability to deal with disappointment (although this one gives me a queasy feeling).
. . . I pray that when suffering comes, they will cling with all their might to Jesus (although this one makes me downright sick to my stomach).
. . . I pray that we will always have open and effective communication.
. . . I pray that they will always value relationships over "stuff."
. . . I pray for wise choices.
. . . I pray that they will understand early in life how to hold possessions with an open hand.
. . . I pray that giving and sharing and serving will bring them joy.
. . . I pray for Godly husbands in their future.
. . . I pray for happiness and confidence in being single until those Godly men come along. 
. . . I pray for special friends throughout their lives who will encourage and enhance their Christian walk.
. . . I pray that Scripture will come alive inside their hearts during moments of critical choice throughout their lives.
. . . I pray that they will hear me say "I love you", "I'm so proud of you", and "I'm sorry" thousands more times than they will hear anything negative from my lips.
. . . I pray that they will never question that I adore and respect their Dad.
. . . I pray for overwhelming grace. That they will understand their need for it. That they will learn to give it lavishly and receive it gratefully.
. . . I pray for joy whether or not there is always "circumstantial happiness."
. . . I pray for self-confidence that comes not from individual accomplishments, but from recognizing their identity in Christ and his approval of them.
. . . I pray that they will become Gospel-focused women.
. . . I pray that they will become women of prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this! Thank you. I pray many of these same things for my children. May God bless you by answering these prayers affirmatively.