Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Good List 12-4-13

10. A grilled shrimp spinach salad with avocado. It's kind of perfect really. Also: equally as delectable with scallops. And adding bacon doesn't ruin it either.
9. The conversations I get to have because of my crazy hair. Never a dull moment.
8. Macy and Grace are registered for Camp Tapawingo 2014. They're so excited!
7. Remembering Macy's role as "Duffy" in the Annie production at The Paramount this time last year. Such a fun time!

6. My friend Catherine's latest book release. A precious 52-week Bible storybook complete with a Family Talk Time and Memory Verse for each week. May I suggest this would make a lovely Christmas gift for many on your list?

5. There is a youth group party Thursday night, and Macy has already lined up 2 friends from school to join her. ;-) 
4. A Thanksgiving Day phone call from my friend Tyrone. He makes me giggle like few others. Love that brother.
3. We got our first Christmas card yesterday from the preciousness that is the McLemore family. I love them so much.

2. The Claboughs are coming to see us! In March! (See what I did there, Mike and Melissa? Now it's public information, so you can't back out. Yeah buddy.)
1. Anne is joyfully home. I miss her, but I'm so happy for her!

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