Thursday, February 23, 2012

OH, That We Would Cling to Christ!

When Monday morning comes way too quickly and we're already exhausted before the week begins, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When our spouse pulls away from our touch and hasn't made eye contact in weeks, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When the bills keep coming, but the work and paycheck do not, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When all is well and we're tempted to trust in our own strength, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When our children are running from God and family, and we have no answers, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When the doctor says "cancer," OH that we would cling to Christ!

When we feel trapped and crushed by our workload with no relief in sight, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When we're tempted to neglect selfless service for activities that might bring us glory, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When our prayers seem unanswered and confusion torments our thoughts, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When the health of loved ones is declining, and we're too far away to help, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When success after success falls right into place and we begin to feel entitled, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When we've barely closed our eyes in the middle of the night, and the baby cries yet again, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When our friends hurt so desperately, and we are woefully helpless to relieve them, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When Scripture doesn't seem helpful and we've become uninterested in prayer and the Bible, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When hopelessness abounds, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When surgery after surgery has been performed and the problem still isn't solved, OH that we would cling to Christ!

When there is no relief for the pain, whether it is physical or emotional, OH that we would cling to Christ!

In every circumstance, in all stages of life, with full understanding that apart from him we are nothing and that he is the only true source of joy, OH that we would cling to Christ!


Christine said...

Amen, Becky!!

Robb said...

Amen. Great application of a vital truth to life. Thank you. Oh, that we all would cling to Christ with greater consistency, greater urgency, greater love & devotion, greater adoration, and greater appreciation....

Brother Bill said...

Oh that brothers and sisters would so cling to Christ that we could strengthen one another with these words daily. Thank Jesus for His faithfulness and thank you for your faithfulness in letting the light shine out into the darkness.