Friday, October 19, 2012

Financial Help for the Dickersons

Many of you know the incredibly difficult journey my niece has been on recently. As you can imagine, her family is incurring a huge stack of medical bills in addition to all sorts of extra travel expenses, etc. They already have under their belts an emergency room visit to one hospital, a 2-hour ambulance ride, and 5 days in ICU in a second hospital with no immediate end in sight. I'm sure I don't have to elaborate on how quickly those expenses are adding up. If you are so inclined and able to help (even with a dollar or two), we have some options for you. You may either donate directly from your Paypal account into theirs through the following process:

OR you may mail a check to the following address with full confidence that every single penny will go straight to the Dickerson family:

Dickerson Family
c/o Middletown Springs Community Church
P.O. Box 1213
Middletown Springs, VT 05757

Also, if you can't help financially but are comfortable sharing this information among those who might be able to, please feel free to help us spread the word.

Jon, Jody, Ty, Jack and Dylan are so grateful for even the tiniest contribution.

And if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to leave a comment on this post with a way to contact you, and I will be more than happy to respond.

(Comments on this post will not be published publicly for the sake of those concerned with privacy.)

We thank you in advance for any help you can offer, and we are grateful for the miraculous way you have already supported this family through prayer and a glorious outpouring of love.

(If you're interested, you can see more of her story here on her CaringBridge Journal.)

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