Saturday, July 2, 2011

Linger Longer

"Beware of hurry. Beholding glory begs for lingering." --John Piper

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in conversations with friends so that relationships might grow deeper and love might grow stronger with each word.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer sitting still in your creation so that I might see one more beautiful butterfly light on a brilliant bloom or witness one more baby deer dancing across a meadow.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in eye contact with everyone you put in front of me so that somehow they might see You when they look at me.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in silence so that I might reduce the risk of saying something unnecessary or worse--hurtful and so that I might learn to listen better to others and to You.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer on the phone with my Mom so that the 2000 miles between us don't feel quite so big and far.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer with a baby in my arms so that they might feel safe and secure just a little bit longer and so that I might witness the unmatched gorgeousness of a peacefully sleeping child.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in worship to You so that You might feel pleasure and so that I might learn to adore You better with each musical note and adoring lyric.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in conversations with my kids so that they might see love and patience in me and so that I might have one more precious giggle or broad grin etched into my memory.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in the arms of my husband so that he feels like a priority to me and not like someone I'm always walking away from in order to go get one more thing done.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in prayer for a hurting soul so that they might feel your presence in a special way and so that I might realize that getting the dishes done doesn't even register on the same scale of importance as spending time with You.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in Your Word so that I might know you better and love you more every single day.

Oh Lord, teach me to linger longer in utter amazement of what You have done for me so that the realization of your sacrifice and the weight of your glory wreck me and rebuild me in a way that resembles you more and more.

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