Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Good List 5-29-13

10. The latest addition to my arsenal of homemade cleaning products. Fabric softener. Pennies per bottle, and just as effective as the expensive stuff. (The recipe is right there on the bottle if you'd like to try it yourself. Works great!)

9. The favorite dessert of most of our family celebrations (and what Macy requested for her birthday meal.) Pure junk, but it sure does taste good.

8.  This website some friends recently shared with us to help feed Macy's music cravings. So cool!
7. Macy's Memorial Day float. She worked SO HARD! 
6. Jared's Grammy's china. I keep saying I'm still not sure how in such a large family I was blessed to inherit this (especially since I'm in this family by marriage rather than by heritage), but I'm very grateful for it and trying to use it in ways that will make her proud.

5. Macy won first place in the Memorial Day essay contest and got to read her essay during the closing ceremonies. So proud of her!

4. We have a house guest for an as yet undetermined amount of time. Or at least *his* family thinks it's undetermined. *My* family has pretty much decided we're not giving him back. :-D

3. All of the TGC13 conference media is now available online and certainly worth looking into. Follow this link for more info.
2. Tara-Leigh Cobble's latest project, "Come Back Soon." Every single word is pure, precious worship. 
1. We celebrated 12 YEARS of knowing and loving our sweet Macy yesterday. Can't believe how quickly time is passing. What a beautiful blessing she is to me!


Joy said...

Hey Becky! Is the conditioner for the fabric softener hair conditioner? Just checking! Going to make a batch of the laundry detergent soon. How is that working for you?

Becky said...

It is, Joy. I've been using just cheap ol' Suave in my favorite scent, and it seems to be working just fine. And the detergent has been great as far as I can tell. Of course I still have to use stain remover sometimes, but minor spills and splashes have been coming right out, and everything smells fresh and clean!