Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Good List 5-22-13

10. Toasted pine nuts. The perfect little added crunch and flavor to many dishes.
9. Falling asleep with open windows and the sound of pouring rain last night. Love that sound.
8. Spring recital last night, including both girls on ukulele, Macy on piano, and Macy singing. Sweet and fun.
7. Lately Macy and Grace have been sleeping in the same room so they can watch The Best of the Cosby Show together after I tuck them in. They CHORTLE out loud for about an hour every night. It's kind of awesome. 
6. THIS: I didn't even know this was happening until I saw it on a friend's twitter feed last week. Love this man and his music. Eager to learn more of his story.
5. Looong weekend begins at noon tomorrow. My kids never believe me when I tell them I'm just as excited about their time off as they are. I love alarm clock-free, agenda-less time with my family!
4. Lunch with all our elders and their wives last Sunday. Precious people I'm proud to call friends and grateful to call family. 
3. A worn-out, marked-up Bible. Gorgeousness.
2. The way Macy LOVES music. I'm so grateful for her talent, but I'm most excited about the fact that we have never once had to encourage her to "practice". It just flows out of her. She absolutely loves music and fills our lives with it all the time, and she's always working on something new. I adore that. Here are a couple of her latest numbers:
1. We have a contract on our house in Tennessee!!! I KNOW, RIGHT?!? Trying not to get our hopes up *too* high as we know there are still plenty steps in the process, any of which could cause the whole thing to fall through. But after a 4+ year journey, this feels like awfully big news. PRAY WITH US PLEASE!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love your list! Praying for your house to sell. 4 years...I can't even begin to imagine...